Biographical  Sketch

Dr. Victoria G. Semyonova
Principal Research Scientist
Central Research Institute of Public Health
Russian Ministry of Health
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: vika[at]


1979  -  Master of Science, Department of Biology,  Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
1989  -  Ph.D. in anthropology, Department of Biology,  Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


1999 - Present    Principal Researcher Scientist, Laboratory of Health Modeling and Demography, WHO Collaborating Center, Central Research Public Health Institute, Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia

1993-1999     Senior Researcher Scientist, Laboratory of Health Modeling and Demography, WHO Collaborating Center, Institute of Public Health, Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia

1986-1993     Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Automated Systems for Management Information Support in Demography, NPO "Soyuzmedinform" (former Institute for Medical Information, Moscow, USSR)

1982-1986    Research Scientist, Laboratory of Automated Systems for Management Information Support in Demography,
Institute for Medical Information, Moscow, USSR

Population Association of America, member (2002)
Fellow of the Moscow House of Scientists (Demographic Section);
Fellow of the Moscow Society of Naturalists.
Member of the Expert Committee for the World Bank Health Reform project.


"Violence as the main cause of mortality increase among women in Russia during the economic transition period"
Agency: J&C MacArthur Foundation.
Principal Investigator: Victoria G. Semyonova
Type: grant #98-52206. Period: March 1, 1998 - August, 31, 1999.

World Bank pilot project "Health Reform in the Russian Federation".
Component "Monitoring, Evaluation and Dissemination". Role in the project: expert.
Agency: World Bank. Period: 1998-2003.
The purpose of this prject is to reforme the Public Health Care in Tver and Kaluga regions.

"The Mechanisms of Human Longevity, an Association of Parental Characteristics and Longevity of Their Children".
Co-Principal Investigators: Guillaume Wunsch, Jacques Vallin, Michael Murphy, Natalia Gavrilova, Leonid Gavrilov
Agency: The European Community.
Type: INTAS grant (#93-1617) Period: April 1994 to December 1997.
The purpose of this project was to initiate collaborative study on the effects of parental characteristics on mortality of the
offspring (including infant mortality and mortality at older ages).

"Biomedical Basis of the Sex Differential in Human Lifespan".
Principal Investigator: Natalia S. Gavrilova, Ph.D.
Agency: International Science Foundation (ISF)
Type: ISF Research Grant #N7X300, 1994-1995.

Parental Age and Offspring Longevity (Human)".
Principal Investigator: Leonid A. Gavrilov, Ph.D.
Agency: International Science Foundation (ISF)
Type: ISF Research Grant #M7E300, 1994-1995.

"Measurement and Analysis of Oldest-Old Mortality".
Co-PI: Leonid A. Gavrilov.
Agency: International Science Foundation (ISF)
Type: ISF matching grant program, Research Grant #SBI000, 1994-1995.





Gavrilova N.S., Semyonova V.G., Dubrovina E., Evdokushkina G.N., Ivanova A.E., Gavrilov L.A.  Russian Mortality Crisis and the Quality of Vital Statistics. Population Research and Policy Review, 2008, 27: 551-574.

Gavrilova, N.S., Gavrilov, L.A., Semyonova, V.G., Evdokushkina,  G.N., Ivanova, A.E. 2005. Patterns of violent crime in Russia. In: Pridemore, W.A. (ed.). Ruling Russia: Law, Crime, and Justice in a Changing Society. Lanham, MD:: Rowman & Littlefield Publ., Inc., 117-145.

Semyonova V.G., Dubrovina E.V., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A.  Estimates of  the real levels of violent death rates in Russia. Public Health and Disease Prevention, 2005,  3:  14-23.

Semyonova V.G., Dubrovina E.V., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A.  Potential for trauma mortality in the Russian population of working age. Public Health and Disease Prevention, 2005,  2:  11-14.

Ivanova, A.E., Semyonova, V.G., Dubrovina, E.V. Marginalization of Russian mortality. Demoscope Weekly [online], N 181-182, 2004.

Ivanova A.E., Semyonova V.G., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A.  Mortality trends: Role of particular age groups and causes of death in their shaping. Public Health and Disease Prevention, 2004,  6: 3-9.

Semyonova V.G., Dubrovina E.V., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A.  On the problems of trauma mortality in Russia: Kirov region case. Public Health and Disease Prevention, 2004,  3: 3-9.

Semyonova V.G., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A.  Data quality of medical statistics as a problem of modern Russian health care. Public Health and Disease Prevention, 2004,  2:  11-18.

Ivanova A.E., Semyonova V.G., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Dubrovina E.V., Gavrilov L.A.  Russian mortality in 1965-2002  -- major problems and opportunities for decrease. Public Health and Disease Prevention, 2004,  1:  20-30.

Ivanova A.E., Semyonova V.G., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A., Devichenskaya M.N. Mortality patterns of urban and rural population of Russia in the 90s of the 20th century. Public Health and Disease Prevention, 2003,  1:  17-26.

Gavrilova N.S., Gavrilov L.A., Evdokushkina, G.N., Semyonova, V.G.  Early-life predictors of human longevity: Analysis of the 19th Century birth cohorts.  Annales de Démographie Historique, 2003, 2: 177-198.

Semenova V.G., Ivanova A.E., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A., Devichenskaya M.N.  Medico-demographic conditions in urban and rural areas – similarity and differences. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2002, 5: 8-14.

Semyonova V.G., Ivanova A.E., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A. Regional mortality variation as an indicator of health deterioration in the Russian population. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2002, 4: 9-14.

Ivanova A.E., Semyonova V.G., Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilov L.A., Demchenko T.A. Mortality in Russia in the 1990s and reserves of its reduction: Trends and forecasting. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2002, 3: 9-19.

Gavrilova N.S., Evdokushkina G.N., Semyonova V.G. "Mortality crisis in Russia:  New health threats." Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, May 9-11, 2002. Abstract published in: Population
Association of America. 2002 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts, p.170.

Gavrilova N.S., Gavrilov L.A., Evdokushkina G.N., Semyonova V.G. "Early life conditions and later sex differences in adult
lifespan."  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, May 9-11, 2002.
Abstract published in: Population Association of America. 2002 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts, p.288.

Gavrilova, NS, Semyonova, VG, Evdokushkina GN, Gavrilov, LA. The response of violent mortality to economic crisis in Russia. Population Research and Policy Review, 2000, 19: 397-419.

Semenova VG, Varavikova EA, Gavrilova NS, Evdokushkina GN, Gavrilov LA. Evolution of female mortality due to injuries and poisoning in some regions of Russia during the period of economic reforms. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2000, 3: 29-31.

Semenova VG, Gavrilova NS, Varavikova YeA, Gavrilov LA, Evdokushkina GN. Rise of violent death rates in Russia as a consequence of the economic crisis. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2000, 4: 3-5.

Gavrilov LA., Gavrilova NS., Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG. Parental age effects on human longevity. Abstract. Gerontology, 2001,47(Suppl.1): 611.

Gavrilova, NS, Gavrilov, LA, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG. Study of the inheritance of human longevity. Abstract. Gerontology, 2001, 47(Suppl.1): 611.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Evdokushkina GN, Semyonova VG. 2001. Inbreeding and human longevity: first findings from the International Centenarian Study.  Abstract. The 13th Meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES-13), Vancouver, Canada.

Gavrilova, NS, Semyonova, VG, Evdokushkina, GN, Gavrilov, LA. 2001. Mortality crisis in Russia: New health threats. Abstract.  The 13th Meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES-13), Vancouver, Canada.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Evdokushkina GN, Semyonova VG. 2001. Gender-specific effects of early life events on adult lifespan.  Population Association of America. 2001 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts. p.233.

Gavrilova, NS, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG, Gavrilov, LA. 2001. Economic crises, stress and mortality in Russia.   Population Association of America. 2001 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts. p.220-221.

Gavrilova, NS, Gavrilov LA, Semyonova, VG, Evdokushkina, GN. Mechanisms of familial transmission of human longevity. Abstract. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 2000, Suppl.30: 156-157.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG. Mutations, parental age, and offspring longevity: New ideas and findings. Abstract. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 2000, Suppl.30: 156.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Evdokushkina GN, Semyonova VG. 2000. Biodemographic study of the boundaries for human longevity. Population Association of America. 2000 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts. p.187.

Gavrilova NS, Gavrilov LA, Evdokushkina GN, Semyonova VG. 2000. Heritability of human lifespan is affected by parental age at childbirth.  Population Association of America. 2000 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts. p.220.

Gavrilova, NS, Semyonova, VG, Evdokushkina, GN, Gavrilov, LA. The response of violent mortality to economic crisis in Russia. Population Association of America. 1999 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts. 1999, p.169.

Gavrilova, NS, Gavrilov, LA, Evdokushkina GN, Semyonova, VG. et al., Evolution, mutations and human longevity: European royal and noble families. Human Biology, 1998, 70: 799-804.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova, NS, Kroutko, VN, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG, et al. Mutation load and human longevity. Mutation Research, 1997, 377: 61-62.

Gavrilov, LA, Gavrilova, NS, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG. Familial transmission of human longevity is a function of parental age at reproduction. The Gerontologist, 1999. 39(1): 146.

Gavrilova, NS, Gavrilov, LA, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG. Demarcation of the boundaries for human longevity. The Gerontologist, 1999. 39(1): 146-147.

Gavrilov, LA, Gavrilova, NS, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG. Human longevity, spontaneous mutations and paternal age. The Gerontologist, 1998, 38(1): 8.

Gavrilova NS, Gavrilov LA, Evdokushkina GN, Semyonova VG. Non-linear transmission of human longevity from mother to daughter. The Gerontologist, 1998, 38(1): 8.

Gavrilov, LA, Gavrilova, NS, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova VG. Children born to older mothers do not inherit maternal life span. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association (AGE). June 4-8, 1999. Seattle: AGE, 1999, 22-23.

Gavrilova, NS, Gavrilov, LA, Evdokushkina, GN, Semyonova, VG. The future of human longevity: a more realistic approach for life expectancy forecasting. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association (AGE). June 4-8, 1999. Seattle: AGE, 1999, 22.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova, NS, Evdokushkina GN, Semyonova VG. Biodemographic study of parental age effects on human longevity. Population Association of America. 1998 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts. 1998, p.142.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Semyonova VG, Evdokushkina GN. et al. Evolutionary theory, mutations and human life span. Proc. Russian Acad. Sci. [Doklady Akademii Nauk], 1998, 359(3): 426-427. English translation published in Doklady
Biological Sciences, 1998, 359: 159-160.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Semyonova VG, Evdokushkina GN. et al. The regularities of inheritance of human life span:
contribution of paternal and maternal longevity to the offspring life span. Proceeding of Russian Academy of Sciences
[Doklady Akademii Nauk], 1998, 360(2): 281-283. English translation published in Doklady Biological Sciences, 1998, 360:

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Semyonova VG, Evdokushkina GN et al. Maternal age and offspring longevity, Proc. Russian Acad. Sci. [Doklady Akademii Nauk], 1997, 354: 569-572. English translation published in Doklady Biological Sciences, 1997, 354: 287-289.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Snarskaya NP, Semyonova VG, Evdokushkina GN et al. Paternal age and offspring longevity. Proc.Russian Academy of Sciences [Doklady Akademii Nauk], 1995, 341: 566-568. English translation published in Doklady Biological Sciences, 1995, 341: 196-198.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Semyonova VG, Evdokushkina GN et al. Parental age at reproduction as a predictor of human longevity. In: 16th Congress of the IAG [International Association of Gerontology], August 19-23, 1997. Book of Abstracts. Adelaide, 1997, 461-462.

Gavrilova, NS, Semyonova, VG, Evdokushkina, GN, Gavrilov, LA. The response of violent mortality to economic crisis in Russia. Population Association of America. 1999 Annual Meeting. Final Program and Abstracts. 1999, p.169.

Ermakov SP, Semyonova VG. Population mortality. In: M. Feshbach (Ed.) Environmental and Healtn Atlas of Russia. Moscow: "PAIMS", 1995, 3-21-3-22.

Ermakov SP, Semyonova VG. Standardized death rate. In: M. Feshbach (Ed.) Environmental and Healtn Atlas of Russia. Moscow: "PAIMS", 1995, 3-24-3-27.

Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS, Semyonova VG. Epidemiologic approach to the biology of human life span. Geographia Medica, 1985, 15: 40-64.

Gavrilova NS, Semyonova VG, Gavrilov LA. New principle for testing the mathematical theories of aging, mortality and
lifespan. In: Gerontology and Geriatrics. Life Span Extension: Forecasts, Mechanisms and Control. Kiev: Institute of
gerontology, 1979, 30-34.
